Every time you make a payment to purchase an amaysim product, recharge your account or renew a plan, a receipt will be automatically sent to the email address linked to your account.

If you need to access any of your previous receipts, head to the ‘Payments’ section of My amaysim, where you’ll be able to view and download the receipts for any payments that have been made in the past. Alternatively, you can also do this by swiping up on the home screen of the amaysim app and selecting ‘Latest payments’ from the available options


What to do if you’re not receiving any receipts

The most common reason for not receiving receipts is the email address on your account being incorrect. This is easy to check and update if necessary, simply by selecting the ‘Personal details’ tab in My amaysim or the amaysim app.

If you’re still not receiving any receipts after updating your email address, please contact us so we can investigate the issue further and provide you with whatever assistance you need.